In my presentation, I first reviewed what I achieved from previous assignments: three non-neogotiable conventions of open-world games. Then I introduced the other object I would like to discuss for MP2: Japanese Role-playing Games (JRPG). I gave some distinguish characteristics of JRPGs and displayed three examples. After clarifying my central claim, I then started to present my MP2, a game prototype. I showed the different ways players can use to move, a short plot sequence and the feature of unlocking abilities.
One presentation that impressed me was Tina’s, the one about the Graffiti in Seattle. I had paid little attention to these brightly colored figures in the city before, let alone the history and cultural meaning behind them. I did think graffiti as the output of random emotinal outbursts or gang activity a lot, but hardly think about what they’re tring to express. After the presentation, I learned the fun facts about graffiti and will somewhat change my perspective on graffiti.
Another one that I found interesting was Elizabeth’s remix of a Korean pop song. The remix sounds prodessional and the background knowledge about Korean pop music were fun to me as well.